How to Stop Time by Matt Haig
Book Review If you want to stop time, read this book. I'm not even joking (okay maybe just a little bit). Though I honestly think you could read the first 67 pages of this book and then skip ahead to page 258 and have a much more enjoyable experience. You wouldn't even miss that much. Most of this review is going to be personal opinion. I am incapable of being unbiased. If you read this book and have a different opinion than me that's good! I rated this book ⭐⭐ (2 stars) mostly because I was disappointed. It promised a lot and didn't deliver. I'll get into more what I mean by that later in the review. Until the very end I was planning on rating it ⭐⭐⭐(3 stars) because it wasn't awful and I did finish it, however the last 2 pages of the story cost it an entire star. I'm going to try and keep this review spoiler free for the most part. There will be a section at the end full of spoilers were I rant about a few ver